Early Pregnancy - The First Trimester - Understanding Bleeding And Spotting - A Definitive Guide

Bleeding or spotting in early pregnancy Some facts and statistics

Bleeding or spotting during early pregnancy can be very disturbing, but it is often a sign of a problem. But bleeding can be a sign of miscarriage, but then, does not mean that one is imminent.

20% to 30% of women experience some form of spotting or bleeding in early pregnancy, approximately 50% due to miscarriages and 50% do not. These facts and statistics have shown in studies.

The other two possible reasons for bleeding during the first trimester of pregnancy is ectopic pregnancy or molar. More detailed information is included in the following sections of miscarriage, ectopic and molar pregnancy.

What if you have bleeding or spotting

• Use a panty liner or pad so you can be aware of the level and type of bleeding that you experience

• Do not use a tampon or have sex, take a shower, or put anything in the vagina, while the bleeding

• Contact your provider of health care immediately.

Possible reasons for bleeding or spotting in early pregnancy / first quarter

In addition to possible complications mentioned above, other causes of bleeding or spotting during early pregnancy are:

The occurrence of bleeding - occurs when pregnancy hormones cover the menstrual cycle, but the cycle continues for a short time. Therefore, it could be that you get what appears to be the period at the same time it was due, but could be bleeding.

Implantation bleeding - this can occur between six and twelve days after the design potential. Different women have implantation bleeding variations; Some light bleeding for a few hours, while others will have that capability for a few days.

After reports - bleeding may be experienced by some women as the cervix can be sensitive and tender. Do not have sex until you have seen your doctor.

The infection in the pelvic cavity or urinary tract - can cause bleeding.

Early pregnancy / complications can first quarter marked by bleeding


miscarriage - it is the experience 50% of women have spotting or bleeding during the first trimester.

Why think of a miscarriage?

miscarriage is the natural way or the shape of your body to cope with a pregnancy that did not go as it should. Most miscarriages occur during the first 12 weeks of gestation pregnancy. (Weeks from the date of gestation from the first day of your last period.) Normally, there is nothing you can do to prevent a miscarriage. Somewhere between 15% and 20% of pregnancies will not lead to a miscarriage.

Signs / symptoms of miscarriage miscarriage

• vaginal bleeding or spotting

• When passing the tissue through the vagina

• cramps are usually stronger than menstrual cramps she felt in the lower abdomen

Miscarriage Support

Living a miscarriage can be extremely painful for many women and can bring undeserved feelings of being a failure and this mixture of pain and cope with a possible flow of hormones can make this difficult period. Not get support if you ever encounter a miscarriage.

For support in Ireland for Involuntary Abortion Association of Ireland and the United Kingdom is the Miscarriage Assocation.


An ectopic pregnancy - is when implants pregnancy somewhere outside of the uterus, as one of the fallopian tubes. In rare cases it may occur in the region of the ovary, cervix or stomach. About one in sixty pregnancies is ectopic pregnancy.

Why ectopic pregnancy occurs?

Ectopic pregnancies can occur due to a condition that blocks or slows the movement of eggs fertilized by the fallopian tube to the uterus; as a previous ectopic pregnancy, history of pelvic surgery, or infection in the tubes. Sometimes the cause is unknown.

Signs of ectopic pregnancy / ectopic pregnancy symptoms

• vaginal bleeding or spotting

• Sharp pain in the abdominal area

• cramps that usually stronger than menstrual cramps, felt in the lower abdomen

• Low levels of hCG (pregnancy hormone)

• shoulder tip

• Reduce

• bladder problems or Bower

Support for ectopic pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy is not only a very strong physical condition to experience, but greatly affects our emotions. It is good to have support when you go either through experience or have had an ectopic pregnancy.

long-term support research ectopic pregnancy and in all countries where it is the organization should appear.


Molar pregnancies - are a rare reason that early pregnancy spotting or bleeding and the "mole" or molar pregnancy is an abnormal tissue has increased instead of an embryo. A molar pregnancy occurs 1 in 1000 pregnancies.

This is also known as GTD - GTD.

Why a molar pregnancy occurs?

It is the result of a genetic error; an abnormality of the placenta that occurs when the egg and sperm are joined during fertilization.

Signs of molar pregnancy / molar pregnancy symptoms

• spotting or bleeding

• Increased hCG (pregnancy hormone)

• Vomiting and nausea

• High blood pressure

• No sound heart or fetal movements can be detected

• Sometimes a rare complication, such as thyroid disease can occur

Molar Pregnancy Support

At the time of writing, there does not seem to be a support organization in Ireland.

UK site name is simply the Molar pregnancy, just search for it.

There is a website called My molar pregnancy. I mention this because it is a very personal website created by someone named Jennifer Wood has undergone a molar pregnancy. On this site, there is also a link to a Facebook group.

This information is for guidance only and be sure to contact your health care professional as soon as you have concerns always.


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